PEP Now Approved CWA CTI Training and Consulting Provider

Performance Excellence Partners LLC (PEP) is now an approved 2020-2021 California Workforce Association (CWA) California Training Initiative (CTI) provider offering a variety of consulting services and training topics specifically designed to provide professional development and capacity building for workforce development staff and partners in California.

PEP was selected among the Nation’s premiere consultants, facilitators and trainers in workforce development through CWA’s competitive procurement process and included in this list of high quality and cost-effective training providers for a variety of topics determined in collaboration with state and local workforce development partners.

Through CWA CTI, PEP offers various consulting services including America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) Operational Effectiveness consulting and TA services on a full range of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) related workforce development topics. PEP also brings our collective knowledge of best practices to offer training on many CTI topics including Regional/Local Strategic Planning, Career Pathways, Co-Enrollment, Sector Strategies, and more.

“We are excited to offer our expertise and understanding of workforce systems from the local, regional, and national levels to provide targeted consulting and training topics to benefit California’s workforce systems.” – PEP CEO & President, Rachel Ramirez.

Since 1999, Performance Excellence Partners (PEP) has been exceeding client expectations with our flexibility, responsiveness, expertise, and inspired solutions for workforce development. For a complete list of CTI consulting and training topics, see PEP’s Workforce Development Capabilities and CWA CTI offerings.