PEP Awarded GSA HCaTS Small Business Contract

Performance Excellence Partners (PEP) is pleased to announce our selection as one of the new GSA Human Capital and Training Solutions Small Business (HCaTS SB) Pool 2 awardees. The HCaTS SB announcement by GSA can be found at GSA HCaTS announcement.

HCaTS SB is a small business set-aside contract developed as a result of a partnership between the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA) designed to provide all Federal agencies the ability to procure customized human capital management and training services through a streamlined, strategically sourced contract vehicle. This government-wide, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) allows agencies to “buy as one” through Category Management which leverages the purchasing power of the entire Federal government, reducing costs and allowing better service.

The HCaTS SB contract has three Key Service Areas (KSAs):

  • Customized Training and Development Services
  • Customized Human Capital Strategy Services
  • Customized Organizational Performance Improvement

Through the deployment of customized solutions in the KSAs, HCaTS SB will be able to assist Federal agencies in accomplishing the following six objectives:

  1. Improving the management of human capital in accordance with the HCAAF and OPM governing doctrines and accomplishing their assigned critical missions, and
  2. Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of critical business processes, and
  3. Providing optimal professional development opportunities to the Federal workforce, and
  4. Undertaking effective change management initiatives, and
  5. Developing effective metrics to assess progress in carrying out human capital strategies, and
  6. Maximizing the return on investment in training and development, human capital, and organizational performance improvements.

This new strategic contract vehicle provides Federal agencies with a reliable, flexible, fast and efficient way to obtain best value solutions for their complex human capital and training service requirements. It allows for use of all contract types and pricing at the task order level. Additionally, task orders may include incentives, performance based measures, multi-year or option periods, and commercial or non-commercial items.

PEP is one of 36 small businesses to receive an award under HCaTS SB Pool 2. For more information on PEP’s HCaTS SB award, please contact:

DUNS #062756759