Employee Engagement: The Human Element

PEP Employee Satisfaction

Job stress and worker burnout has been a hot topic for some time, but it reached its tipping point with the convergence of the gig economy, the pandemic, remote work, and the tidal wave of digital tools that has engulfed us. For many, work life is now less regimented, perhaps, but also more fragmented, more […]

Are you supporting Accessibility?

Keyboard with a green key with the word "Accessibility"

Accessibility. In 1998, Congress added Section 508 to the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, requiring electronic information and technology provided by Federal agencies to be accessible for individuals with disabilities. Adhering to Section 508 is often required as part of government contracts as well. It is essential that federal department heads, program managers, and contractors understand and […]

PEP Wins DHS Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship Program Contract

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  Performance Excellence Partners, LLC (PEP) has been awarded the Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship (ICDF) Program Support Contract under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) Office of Strategic Recruiting, Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement (STRIDE).   “The PEP Team is thrilled to contribute our over 20 years […]

Tools and Tips for Managing a Remote Work Environment

Professional women on a virtual meeting looking at 2 computer screens

In my previous blog, “What My Company Learned as an Early Adopter of Remote Work,” I explained how PEP worked as a fully or mostly remote organization right from our inception – at a time when working virtually was a rare practice. I also shared some of the strategies we have used throughout the years […]

What My Company Learned as an Early Adopter of Remote Work

Young professional Hispanic women working on a laptop

When I first started Performance Excellence Partners (PEP) 22 years ago to provide federal contracting services and business consulting, most corporate professionals were commuting to central offices to work side by side. PEP’s “place of business” was an intangible expanse connected by phone and internet.   Having a remote workforce in different time zones enabled […]